Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reach out for me Mark Nugent updating the KILT report

Young guns removing slip joint protector

Wilther Murphy Rig Clerk

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sabah Fishing Fleets

Sabah fishing fleets,the big boat is their mother boat

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Team West Alliance prepare to reinsert the inner barrel into the slip joint

Team Wsa prepare to reinsert the inner barrel into the slip joint

Randy & Jerome prepare the spool for the slip joint

Phils bell nipple-slip joint assembly Team

Painting the btm of the PAR by the Young Guns

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Eagle has landed on Kikeh SPAR

All done and dusted

The Eagle has landed on Kikeh SPAR Platform

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Welcome to KIKEH Field ( Murphy Field )

Welcome to DTU SPAR Floating Platform

Normand Ivan - Anchor handler

First Helicopter S76 landing test Capt.Johan & Nordin bring Custom & Immgration onboard for passport clearence

FPSO and Ocean Rover nearby at Kikeh field

FPSO - owner by MDPC ( Malaysian Deepwater Petrolum Company ) working with Murphy.

Semi-sub Ocean Rover